体育俱乐部执行委员会协助和建议俱乐部代表管理体育俱乐部计划. 它的存在是For了促进体育俱乐部计划的参与,其主要目标是For交流有关体育俱乐部指导方针和程序的信息提供媒介.
每一个 个人体育俱乐部 应选举一名职员定期出席体育俱乐部理事会会议并向俱乐部报告. 其他人可以作For嘉宾出席,但没有表决权.
1. 名字
2. 负责
- 建议及监察本会康乐事务拨款及资源,以维持体育会的运作, 包括以体育俱乐部总预算的10%For基础的非分配应急基金.
- 审核希望获得体育俱乐部资格的俱乐部的申请,并确定每个俱乐部完成申请程序的适当地位.
- 担任上诉委员会的一员,就体育俱乐部行政人员及体育俱乐部总监所作决定提出的上诉作出裁决.
- 审核每个扶轮社调整后的预算申请,并对分配金额提出建议.
- 制定及执行促进体育会计划发展的程序.
- 提出建议, 提供建议, 在俱乐部主管的要求下协助其他事项的决策过程.
3. 会员
- 总统
- 安全经理
- 预算经理
- 市场营销/出版物经理
- 秘书
- 行政协助和指导.
- 预算编制协助.
- 协助和监督财务.
- 场地和设施预订协助.
- 设备的储存、结帐和采购.
- 协助运输安排-有限的基础.
- 就宣传及推广事宜谘询.
- 行政记录保存.
- 体育俱乐部行政人员和俱乐部代表将在理事会任职.
- 执行理事会将担任所有定期会议的共同主席.
- 秘书将担任所有会议的记录员.
- 任何菲律宾十大彩票平台俱乐部官员,如果是回归体育俱乐部的积极成员,可以申请体育俱乐部执行委员会的职位.
- 每个俱乐部只能有一名成员担任体育俱乐部理事会成员.
4. 法定人数
5. 会议
在整个学年中,体育俱乐部理事会应视需要召开会议. 任何体育俱乐部均可向体育俱乐部行政人员申请召开体育俱乐部理事会会议.
Sets meeting agenda items with Sport Club Director; responsible For conducting bi/weekly council meetings; responsible For sanctions against clubs who commit minor and major infractions affecting the organization of 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台俱乐部 and draft any email recommendations to club officers and administrators as needed and based on the input from the executive council.
Records the minutes of each meeting and post these on the Sport Club’s website; responsible For inForming the council of previous business and decisions made concerning the management of clubs; lead email conversations relating to topics discussed at previous meeting or upcoming meetings as needed; help the Sport Club Director to review policies based on decisions ratified by the 体育会理事会.
Leads clubs in hazing/alcohol awareness training; be general contact For hazing/alcohol/safety issues; work with Rec Student EMT’s to ensure proper safety For all club teams at practice and games; help organize concussion education sessions and hold discussion on disciplinarian contract in individual club sports constitutions at is relates to unsafe behavior.
Heads the council allocation meeting in Spring term; keeps track and budgeting the executive council’s emergency funds, 作For扶轮社的联络人,解释额外的经费申请程序,并在预算过程中协助扶轮社.
Responsible For collecting schedules and results from 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台俱乐部’s assistant and ensuring that the 菲律宾十大彩票平台ian has this inFormation For publication; responsible For reviewing individual club websites to stay current with season schedules and results and taking the initiative to publicize sport club events on campus.